List of World War 2 Casualties from the plaque outside the Wardroom in the ground floor corridor of HMS FLYING FOX.

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Bristol Division RNVR WW2 Casualties
For individual stories, click on the links below:
AB J Hamblin and LS D Atherton
Seven RNVR Ratings were killed when HMS ARDENT was sunk on 8th June 1940 whilst escorting HMS GLORIOUS.
Five of the ratings are Ord Sea R Bolton RNVR, Ord Sea A Crabb RNVR, Ord Sea R J Cooksley RNVR, Ord Sea G V Farley RNVR and Ord Sea E J Holme RNVR. The other two are believed to be Ord Sea A C Chalmers RNVR and Ord Sea R D Hanley RNVR. (From The HMS Glorious, Ardent & Acasta Association (GLARAC) website).
Information provided by Simon Cottam.
The Honour Board lists 39 casualties. Searching the CWGC database reveals a total list of 44 casualties, 24 listed with Bristol addresses, the remainder from various addresses from Cornwall to Buckinghamshire or no address listed.
Click below to see the full CWGC list:
CWGC WW2 list of Bristol RNVR Casualties